Ok, Ok, I just can not resist NOT mentioning the Royal Wedding.
photo credit https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/vh2deLn7dBmF7Oa99xtXZrultHE/fit-in/550x550/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2018/05/19/642/n/1922398/86fbcf945b0033abd95820.40979664_/i/Meghan-Markle-Dad-Speaks-Out-About-Royal-Wedding.jpg
Did anyone else watch WAYYYYY too many hours of the Royal Wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry?
I admit I am a complete sucker for Royal Fairy Tale Romances.
So here are my thoughts...
1) Girl- did you see the way Harry was looking at Meghan... that boy is smitten for her!! His thumb keep that "I'm In Love" repetitive rub going all day long!
2) Her Mother, what an inspiration! Can you imaging being all alone in a foreign country - surrounded by the Royal family. I would feel so insecure and out of place! She handled that situation like a champ! New Mom Hero award goes to.... Doria Ragland.
photo credit:
3) Loved the Gospel Choir- yet undecided on the choice of songs.
4) How about the fact that there was no other family and no maid of Honor (regardless of reasoning)? I think it offers hope for people who may be surrounded by dysfunction. We can handle it with a smile and elegant class - just like Meghan!
5) And I loved the Preacher, he gave a great sermon-but maybe too preachy and less wedding-esk? I get that LOVE is on the wedding topic- it just did not feel like it was the "wedding kind of love" sermon.
6) The Kiss= Perfection- note for future photos: stand side to side, turn head and shoulders slightly and allow your prince to do the rest for a Royal Perfect Kiss. Show me your best Royal Kiss Photos!
photo credit: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/entertainthis/2018/05/19/royal-kiss-prince-harry-duchess-meghan-end-wedding-smooch/625664002/
7) The Carriage Ride- how cool was that!! This was the most "fairy-tale like" scene I have ever seen- in my entire life. I would love to host a parade and hire a Calvary of horses to escort my daughter in a carriage on her wedding day... or even me on my next wedding anniversary. (Hint Hint Honey)
8) The Bride- I know everyone loves the dress - as do I, but it was simple. I think she was absolutely beautiful and she certainly did not need any extra embellishments. Even so, I have already heard several complaints that she seemed too simple (hair, makeup & dress)- what do you think?
10) Diversity in the British Monarchy, what an exciting time we live in to see such a change in the culture and mindset. I truly believe this marriage will make a huge- Positive- change for the entire world. I can't wait to watch them.
In honor of Royal Wedding Here Is Your Recommended Reading List!
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by Andrew Morton (Author)