1st Trimester Early Peeks
Great for Rainbow Pregnancies
Ideal for pregnancies between 7-12 weeks
Regular Price $50
This is the perfect package for a quick check in on your baby in early pregnancy. These early ultrasounds are often referred to as Peanut Peeks or Early Peeks. They are done on top of Moms abdomen and require a full bladder. Because theses are performed tummy top we recommend larger mommies to wait until 9 weeks, but if you can't wait.. come on in and our sonographers will do their best to provide a great experience and some cute images as well.
Many newly excited moms book multiple Early Peeks, as well as moms who have experienced a prior loss. Early Peeks have provided a great since of peace of mind for moms with Rainbow Babies, but we are not a diagnostic facility. If you are concerned about your baby's health please consult your doctor or hospital.
We do not go on a gender hunt but instead focus on your baby's profile, heartbeat, fetal environment and activities.
Just remember you must have had your first medical ultrasound confirming pregnancy before your appointment.
What's Included?
2D black and white viewing
5-10 minute Session (tip: repaid clients get full 10 mins in studio)
Heartbeat, if requested
Measurement Estimation, if requested
Keepsake Pictures included (Minimum 4 - Often More)
What are the requirements to be Eligible for this type of Ultrasound?
This is a tummy top session and requires a full bladder . You must have had your first medical ultrasound & established care with an OB and be able to provide
verification prior to all Appointments.
Available Add-Ons include (can be added in studio):
$10 - Receive A Digital Copy of All Session Images Suitable for Email
$15 - Receive A DVD recorded movie of Entire Session
$35 - Receive a Recording of Your Baby's Heartbeat inside a Plush "My Baby's Heart Beat Animal"
$35 - Double Session Time
$20 - -Ultrasound Picture Frames